Singing Guide: The Year Without a Santa Claus

Singing Guide: The Year Without a Santa Claus

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

"The Year Without a Santa Claus" is a classic animated Christmas movie from the 70s. It tells the story of Santa, who has a cold and is not feeling well, so he decides to take a vacation instead of delivering presents. Mrs. Claus and the elves try to keep the spirit of Christmas alive but despite their efforts, they are not receiving any letters from kids believing in Santa anymore. Santa gets news of Blue Christmas in Southtown and feels obliged to help and win back the public's belief in his magic.

If you want to learn how to sing like one of the characters from this movie - Heat Miser or Snow Miser, then there are a few things you should focus on.

  • First, let's discuss Heat Miser. His unique vocal technique is a mix of growling and belting. To sing like Heat Miser, practice with the "How to Growl Exercise". Remember to warm-up though, so we recommend the "Farinelli Breathing" exercise to start your vocal warm-up routine. Use proper articulation when you sing, try the "Finger Bite" exercise to practice it too. For Heat Miser, a good song to showcase his vocal technique is "Heat Miser Song". You can practice other rock-and-roll songs too, with a similar mix of growling and belting.
  • Now, let's move on to Snow Miser. His unique vocal technique is a cheerful, playful style with a high soprano range. To sing like Snow Miser, focus on your breathing and try "Humming" as a great vocal warm-up. Make sure to keep your throat and mouth open, try the "Open mouth & throat" article for more details. A great song for showcasing Snow Miser's range and style is "Snow Miser Song". If you want to sing more cheerful, playful songs, you can also try classic Disney songs, or pop songs with a high range.

Singing Carrots offers a lot of useful tools that can help you learn and improve your singing, Including:

  • The Vocal Pitch Monitor, which is a great tool to help you visualize your singing and correct any pitch mistakes.
  • The Pitch accuracy test, which can assess your pitch accuracy and help you find what you need to work on.
  • The Vocal Range test, which can help you determine your vocal range and see how it compares to other famous singers.
  • The Singing Course, which covers singing theory and practical tips, including how to breathe correctly, sing with resonance, and improve your vocal range.
  • The Song Book, which can help you find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.

Overall, learning how to sing like Heat Miser or Snow Miser requires lots of practice and a good understanding of vocal techniques. Make sure to warm-up and practice regularly, focus on proper breathing and articulation, and use Singing Carrots resources, such as tools, courses, and exercises.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.